Effect of silica fume in concrete

As a concrete admixture, silica fume has a certain influence on the performance of concrete.

Effect of silica fume in concrete workability

The incorporation of silica fume in concrete can improve the “stability” of concrete, which can reduce the segregation and bleeding of concrete. The sand and stone in the concrete will cause the internal gap to become larger due to the larger size, and the small diameter of the silica fume particles can fill these gaps and cut off the flow passage of the bleeding process. And enhance the cohesion inside the concrete. How to use silica fume in concrete?

Effect of silica fume in concrete setting time

Many experiments have shown that adding a certain amount of silica fume to the concrete has a certain influence on the setting time of the concrete.

Effect of silica fume in concrete strength

The application of silica fume to concrete has no major changes to the early strength (1d and 2d) of concrete, but has a greater influence on the 3d to 28d strength of concrete, which can significantly increase the strength of concrete.

Effect of silica fume in impermeability of concrete

The erosion resistance of concrete generally depends on the impermeability of the concrete. Due to the small particle size of silica fume, the size and number of pores in concrete can be improved. When the amount of silica fume in concrete is 10%, the concrete remains basically impermeable in 7d and 28d, which can effectively reduce the porosity in concrete. Improves impermeability.

Effect of silica fume in wear resistance of concrete

In general, the wear resistance of concrete is directly related to the strength of concrete. The concrete added with silica fume has a high degree of compactness, and the degree of wear of the concrete is very small. We used the ASTM C 779 standard to test the concrete wear resistance. When the concrete strength reaches 76Mpa, the concrete wears 1.4MM in 60 minutes, which is much higher than the reference concrete and has high wear resistance.

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